Ecclesall Primary School Prospectus
Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School15 hours ago
We know what Ayda (Y6) will be busy doing over half term....rehearsing hard for her upcoming show of Annie where she is playing the part of the orphan, July. Tickets are available from the Montgomery Theatre Box Office if you fancy a trip to the theatre. Break a leg Ayda!
Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School1 day ago
Many thanks to the civil enforcement officers that have been working with our Junior Road Safety Officers as part of the Safer School Project. They have been issuing "warning tickets" on cars parked illegally as well as helping to make everyone aware of safe places to park. They even noticed that a vital sign was covered by foliage, so they set about having the hedge cut back to reveal the sign again. What a great job the children (and Parker the bear) have done! The tickets issued after half term by parking enforcement officers will be monetary fines - please, please, please continue to park considerately!
Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School3 days ago
🚀 Our Year 5 engineers have been BUSY! 🚀
These amazing creations built with our awesome new Lego Robotics kits! The children have been working hard on their engineering skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork – and having lots of fun along the way! In this project they had to design a "ferry" across a river to transport a wheelchair user.
A HUGE thank you to our incredible EPTFA for their generous funding which made this possible. These kits are providing invaluable learning experiences for the children.
Happy Children, Happy School - Learning Together, Growing Together - School Vision, Aims & Priorities
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