
Welcome from our Chair of Governors

Chair Of Governors
Mr Kevin Corke

On behalf of the Governors, it is a pleasure to welcome you to Ecclesall Primary School.

We are proud of our children, our dedicated staff and now we also have an amazing new building providing a modern learning environment.

The governors work closely with the head teacher and senior leadership team, setting the strategic direction for the school and supporting them in their commitment to providing our pupils the best possible education and experiences to develop their confidence, self esteem and personal development.

Ecclesall Primary school is a amazing, friendly school and I am confident your child will succeed in all they do during their time with us

Role of Governors

The Governors make decisions about how the school is run including staffing appointments. They monitor and help evaluate the work of the school. Since April 1st 1990 the Governors have been responsible for managing the budget as part of their responsibilities under Local Management of School legislation. The Governors meet at least once a term at school.

To become a Parent Governor: – You must have a child in the school – You must be elected by the parents Parent governors are elected, as are the other governors, to serve a term of four years.

Whilst parent governors speak as individuals they are able to bring the views of other parents to the governing body.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body then please contact via the School Office: You can email: and your email will be forwarded on. Alternatively you may write to the Governing Body. If you mark your envelope for the attention of the Governing Body, this will be forwarded on to them in confidence. Please write to: Ecclesall Primary School, High Storrs Road, Sheffield, S11 7LG.

If you would like any further information then please phone: 0114 2663137.


Instrument of Governing Body



Name of Governor


Governor Category



Date Appointed



Date Term in Office Ends



Appointed by



Any Pecuniary or

Material Interest



Voting Rights or Exclusions

Kevin Corke Local Authority Governor 01 Apr 2018 31 Mar 2026 LA No. YES
Dipak Patel Co-opted governor 01 Apr 2018 31 Mar 2026 GB Child in school. YES
Alex Miller Co-opted governor 01 Apr 2018 29 Sep 2025 GB Child in school. YES
Emma Hardy Headteacher – Ex Officio Headteacher YES
Guy Willatt Associate Member 01 Apr 2018 31 Mar 2026 GB Teacher in school. NO
Nicole Ramsey Associate Member 01 Apr 2018 31 Mar 2026 GB Teacher in school. NO
Amanda Johnston Parent Governor 01 Oct 2021 30 Sep 2025 GB Children in school. YES
Tom Tague Staff Governor 01 Apr 2022 31 Mar 2026 GB Teacher in school. YES
David Fernley Co-opted Governor 28 Apr 2022 27 Apr 2026 GB (Awaiting Pecuniary Interest Form) YES
Jennifer Waterhouse Co-opted Governor 28 Apr 2022 27 Apr 2026 GB (Awaiting Pecuniary Interest Form) YES
Emily Ansell Parent Governor 26 Nov 2022 25 Nov 2026 GB (Awaiting Pecuniary Interest Form) YES
Anna Bradshaw Quick Parent Governor 16 May 2023 15 May 2027 GB (Awaiting Pecuniary Interest Form) YES
Cherry Mair Co-opted Governor 01 Oct 2024 30 Sept 2028 GB (Awaiting Pecuniary Interest Form) YES


Governing Body Meeting Attendance

Name of Governor Full Governor Meeting


Resources Meeting



Achievement & Learning  Meeting


Full Governor Meeting


Achievement & Learning  Meeting


Resources Meeting



Full Governor Meeting


Resources Meeting



Achievement & Learning  Meeting


Full Governor Meeting


Resources Meeting



Achievement & Learning  Meeting


Kevin Corke Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dipak Patel N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Alex Miller Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Emma Hardy Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Guy Willatt Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Nicole Ramsey Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Tammy Wong N Y N Y N
Amanda Johnston (Drewett) Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N
Tom Tague Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
David Fernley Y N Y Y N N Y Y N N N
Jennifer Waterhouse Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Emily Ansell Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Anna Bradshaw Quick Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Cherry Mair Y N Y