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Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School
It is not always possible to take children on relevant visits out of school and this is the case with the Y5 and Y6 topics of Mountains & Volcanoes and World War II. So, we brought the lessons to life with a visit from Prime VR who provided headsets and instructions to all the children as well as resources to take them all the way to the summit of Mount Everest or back to the streets of London during the Blitz.
Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School
It is good to try something different every so often and for some of the children that went to The Climbing Works today, it was their first go at climbing and bouldering. Some had a litle more experience and were able to try the even more challenging routes. Mrs Earl reports on great strength, skills, determination, resilience and exemplary behaviour, demonstrating our school values - nothing less than we would expect! Well done everyone.
Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School
A great assembly today from Sheffield City Council, Civil Enforcement Officers (Parking enforcement), explaining to the children about how they can help to keep everyone safe on the roads around school. They were joined by Parker, a friendly teddy, who will be helping them out this term, working closely with our Junior Road Safety Officers over the coming weeks, please look out for them.
Ecclesall Primary School
Ecclesall Primary School
It is always good to be recognised and reported on in the local press about what a great school EPS is. We are MUCH more than just academic "results" but it is important for us that children are well taught, make progress and achieve good outcomes, giving them the academic skills ready to start the next stage in their education.