
Dear Parents / Carers,

We would like to welcome you all to Year 3! Our three classes are known as Squirrels, Foxes
and Hedgehogs. We appreciate the fact that the children are all in brand new classes. We aim
to build new relationships within and across classes by developing teamwork skills and
promoting our school values of positivity, kindness and respect.

All homework tasks will be set on Google Classroom. A reminder of all passwords for the online
platforms that we use will be glued into the back of their reading records.
Homework will be set on Friday and hopefully be able to be completed by the following Friday.
It will include ongoing practice of basic skills, for example listening to your child read, spellings,
number bonds and times tables.

Reading at home
Reading books will go home every day. We would appreciate it if you could fill in and sign their
reading record each time they are listened to/read independently. We also would like reading
books to come into school every day for the times that they are heard by an adult in school.
New reading books will be given out in the first two weeks of September after the children have
settled in and reading levels checks. We thank you in advance for your patience with this.

Bug Club
We will be reminding children how to log on and use this resource in the first few weeks.
Here, children can access a wide variety of books. They can read these as part of their Fab 4
reading achievements. The questions that are asked about the texts provide very useful
comprehension practice.

Y3 Reading incentives:
Our home reading incentive is called ‘Fab Four’. Parents are asked to share a book with their
child four times a week and then sign their reading record book; this could be listening to your
child read to you or you reading to your child. Even if your child is a fluent reader, it is very
beneficial to share books and discuss the content. On a Friday, if your child has four signatures,
they will receive a ‘Fab Four’ stamp/sticker.

Times Tables
In the first term, we will begin with revision of 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. This includes quick recall, knowing the answers ‘off by heart’. We will teach the children to know both multiplication and division facts (e.g. both 2 x 4 = 8 and 8 ÷ 4 = 2). Regular practise of these will aid the children’s learning in other areas of the maths curriculum. When they are secure in their knowledge of these, we will move on to the other multiplication tables. Children will be supported in their learning in numerous ways including games and songs. Times Tables Rockstars This is a useful online platform for the children to practise times tables. They will be reminded how to use this resource in class and expected to use it at home too. The theory, to ensure individual progress, is ‘little and often’ for example five minutes per day rather than half an hour at once. MyMaths The children will be able to access this online homework site for maths. It is self-marking for immediate feedback and teachers can see that the work set has been completed. MyMaths is not set every week but sometimes will be set to reinforce the current maths lessons. There are also numerous games that children can access to enhance their learning.

Outdoor PE is on a Wednesday and Indoor PE is on a Monday. Children will be expected to arrive at school in correct PE kit for the day: white t-shirt, blue or black shorts (no brands), trainers with long hair tied back and no jewellery. Thank you for your support with this.


For more information about other areas of the curriculum, please see the knowledge organisers and curriculum jigsaws for each half term on the main website. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact us via enquiries@ecclesall.sheffield.sch.uk or pop in and see us at the end of the day.

We look forward to working with you and your child this year.

Best wishes,

Mrs Marlow (Hedgehogs’ class teacher)

Miss L Digby (Squirrels’ class teacher)

Mrs Biggs and Mrs Southern (Foxes’ class teachers)



Letters and Other Information