School Vision, Aims & Priorities

Ecclesall Primary School Vision, Aims and Priorities

Ecclesall Primary School is a very friendly, happy, innovative and creative school. Our motto is “Happy Children, Happy School, Learning together, Growing together”. Our School Values are Positivity, Kindness and Respect.


From the very start of their time at Ecclesall Primary School children know that their happiness, safety and well-being is our priority. A whole school community approach to developing positive relationships, confidence and self-belief supports our vision that every child’s experience must be a happy one. Our children are taught lifelong skills and the importance of developing a healthy, happy mind and body. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel safe, valued, and listened to and where individuality and successes are celebrated. Children are encouraged to talk about their thoughts and feelings and they know adults will listen. Supportive friendships are key and children know how to care for each other. Children are encouraged to develop the skills and resilience to cope with challenges and ultimately be happy, confident individuals, who love life, school and learning.

At Ecclesall Primary school, we have high expectations of everyone. We want our children to love learning, to be excited, engaged and challenged and to lead and take responsibility for their own learning. We provide an exciting, vibrant and engaging curriculum with memorable experiences to meet the needs of all learners including disadvantaged and SEND children. The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced preparing pupils for their next stage in their educational journey. Our ambitious curriculum ensures all pupils are given the knowledge, skills and cultural capital to succeed.


We will:

  1. Learn within a happy, enjoyable, caring and supportive environment where we celebrate diversity.
  2. Try our very best, aiming high and realise our full potential.
  3. Think for ourselves, make decisions and have confidence in them and will make informed choices.
  4. Show respect, care and consideration for each other.
  5. Value and take care of our environment.
  6. Have confidence, take risks and be valued in all that we do.
  7. Celebrate our successes and achievements and be recognised.
  8. Express ourselves imaginatively and creatively.
  9. Work together with parents, carers and the wider community to enrich and enhance learning.
  10. Take responsibility for our own actions.

2024-2025 Priorities for School Development at Ecclesall Primary School

The Quality of Education

  • To ensure that wider curriculum assessment and impact is securely embedded and consistent in all year groups.

The Quality of Education

  • Writing: To improve outcomes in writing and sharpen up assessments across school.

Personal Development

  • To develop an effective, values based behaviour policy using the principles and practices of positive regard.

Leadership and Management

  • To further consolidate and strengthen subject leadership roles which results in all pupils achieving well across the wider curriculum.

The Quality of Education in Early Years

  • To ensure high levels of ambition in the implementation of all aspects of the Early Years curriculum to build towards an outstanding Ofsted judgement.

Emma Hardy

Head Teacher
Ecclesall Primary School

0114 2663137



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