British Values

At Ecclesall Primary School we encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We encourage pupils to respect specified fundamental British values using some of the following:

Election of House Captains/Eco Warriors/School Council
School council decision making & surveys
Choice of learning within topics
Understanding of democracy – Y5
Election topic – Ancient Greece
Voting for Film Night
Chosen charities

Rule of Law
School behaviour policy
School anti bullying policy
Playground Games and Rules
Rights and responsibilities
Golden Rules
Links with local community including the Police
Assemblies – reinforce school rules

Individual Liberty
Responsibility and
Understanding school Golden rules
Classroom rules
House Captains
Pupil positions of responsibility
Home/school agreements
WWI commemoration Group

Mutual Respect
PHSCE curriculum
E safety rules and curriculum
RE curriculum
Competitive sports
Y3 & Y6 buddies (reading partners)
Sports leaders – Playground leaders,
School Council
Eco Group
House Captains
Parent fund raising group (EPTFA)
School Rules (Golden Rules)
Smart Learners (SMART)

Tolerance of Culture, Faith and others
Cultural themes
Celebrating & awareness of Festivals
Reflection opportunities in assembly
SEND pupils (dyslexia, ADHD, Autism)
RE Curriculum
Visits to places of worship
Visitors to school
Community events