General Curriculum

Curriculum Intent Statement:

At Ecclesall Primary school, our unique broad and balanced curriculum is designed to cover key areas of knowledge, skills and understanding across all subjects. We engage, motivate and inspire our children with a memorable, vibrant and diverse curriculum that makes all learning fun.

Using various approaches including the outdoors, children are encouraged to develop the skills and resilience to cope with challenges and ultimately be happy, confident individuals who love life, school and learning.

Ecclesall Primary School is a very friendly, happy, innovative and creative school. Our motto is “Happy Children, Happy School, Learning together, Growing together”. This handbook shows for each subject what we want our pupils to learn (Intent), how we will deliver this (Implementation) and the impact this will have (Impact).

Each half term class teachers send out curriculum jigsaws to parents and carers. These outline different topics and activities which will be undertaken over the course of the term. The letter might also indicate how you can help support your child at home.

Copies of Curriculum jigsaws can be found under the Curriculum drop down menu above under each year group.


Words chosen by Pupils and Staff to describe our curriculum.

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