
A welcome to Y2 parents

Dear parents/carers,

The Y2 team would like to offer a warm welcome to all our parents/carers as we start a new school year. Below is some useful information to help support your child’s learning throughout the coming year.

Reading books and reading record books should be in school and available for the children to access every day. Guided reading happens once a week and children will be informed which day this is for their class. Each child has the opportunity to read with their class teacher or teaching assistant during this time. Children are encouraged to read as often as possible at home. Bug Club is available for all children and will match their coloured reading band. Please speak to your class teacher if you have any issues with Bug Club or need more books adding for your child.

Please send your child to school in PE kit on both their indoor and outdoor PE days. (White T- Shirt and Black shorts/ joggers, trainers for outdoor and a sweat shirt).

Time slots are as follows:

Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Thursday

Each class will be introduced to their very own Maths Monkey to take home. All children will have the opportunity over the year to share maths moments during everyday life situations. There will be a book to record these moments to enable each class to compile a diary. The aim is to find maths moments during daily life for example:
Measurements – cooking and baking.
Number formation – using numbers of personal significance such as house number, age of family members.
Time – concentrating on telling the time to 15mins O’ clock, Half-past, quarter to, quarter past.
Money – £ and p.
Addition and Subtraction.
Any photos should be taken of the Maths Monkey only.


Children will be provided with an ‘adult’ sheet on Friday to explain to parents/carers about what sound and common exception words the children have been learning about within the week so learning can be supported at home.

Children will also be provided with a small bookmark outlining the focus sound and common exception words for the following week so that they can undertake some ‘pre-learning’ and increase their confidence.

We hope this information has been useful. Please feel free to ask any questions.

Yours sincerely,

The Y2 Team

